Frequently Asked Questions
Why are there no word completion suggestions when I start writing a new page?
The list of suggested words is built while you type. Thus, only words that occur on the current page will be available for word completion. When you create a new Confluence page, the suggestion list will be empty for this page. Only when you have typed a few words, these words will be available for word completion henceforth.
The possibility to get word completion suggestions derived from the current Confluence space which are then available on a new page right away is planned for some future version of this app.
After correcting a misspelled word, this typo is still shown in the suggestion list. Why is that?
The list of suggestions will not be updated after each keystroke since this would be too costly. Instead of that, the list is updated on specific events which occur regularly. For example, the list is updated as soon as you enter a new paragraph. Therefore, a misspelled word will be suggested for only a relatively short amount of time. If this is getting in your way for some frequently used word, just hit Enter to insert a new paragraph and go back to the last cursor position. The misspelled word will then be gone.
Why are no suggestions shown when the text cursor is positioned in the middle of a word?
The list of word completion suggestions is purposely only shown when the cursor is positioned at the end of a word, or more specifically, when there is a whitespace character to the right of the cursor, including the end of line. Otherwise, you would be able to insert some word in the middle of another word, which has proven to be very confusing when writing a text.
Why does the app not seem to work directly after installation?
The Word Completion for Confluence app is deactivated by default. This is to avoid confusing your users who'd be suddenly confronted with the new word suggestion feature in page edit mode after the app has been installed. Administrators can choose to enable the feature globally or leave this decision to each individual user. The user manual describes how to do this in detail.